Gr. 3-8 Minecraft Advanced - Modding Summer Camp LEASIDE
Purchase required to enroll
In our Minecraft camps, kids learn how to make Minecraft even more awesome, how computers and servers work, and core computer programming concepts while collaborating with kids equally excited about Minecraft.
We use the incredibly popular game Minecraft as a medium to help kids build transferable skills such as coding, electronics, 3D design, servers, and more. We leverage kids’ interest in Minecraft as a gateway to introduce them to other STEM topics such as Robotics and Coding. Minecraft is also a great medium for teaching positive netizen skills and communication skills. Kids build amazing digital creations.
Breaks, games and park time are also included for kids to exercise their imagination, have fun and strengthen team-building
Cancellation policy
In the case of summer camps, no refunds are allowed past June 1st. After that point refunds are contingent upon MakerKids being able to fill the seat. No refunds whatsoever are offered for same-day cancellations. To cancel or request a refund for a camp, please email
No upcoming schedule